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Being comfortable in your own skin. 04/07/2016

April 7 2016 , Written by Tina Vu

Do you feel uncomfortable whenever you walk into a room? Do you tend to hang back, stay quiet, and try not to put yourself out there? If you do, then don’t worry, plenty of people don’t feel comfortable in their own skins. But that can stop today. You have to realize that you do have a lot to offer, and you have to start putting yourself out there if you want to see results. So how do you feel comfortable in your own skin? Just follow along to find out.

1. Think positively.

You may think that some people are just naturally more positive than others. That’s not necessarily wrong, but don’t let negative thinking keep you from making a decision to be more positive. If you want to feel comfortable in your own skin, then you have to start thinking about the best thing that can happen to you instead of always expecting the worst. Any time you catch yourself thinking negatively, fight your negative thoughts with at least two or three positive ones. Make an effort to replace your negative thoughts with positive ones and to expect good things to happen to you; the more you expect good things to happen, the more they will.

2. Practice acceptance and improvement.

Practice acceptance and improvement. Accepting who you are does not mean that you have to give up on improving yourself. If there is an aspect of your life that you would like to change, then set goals for yourself to help you get there. You can work for change while still accepting where you are in the moment.

3. Compliment yourself.

You may suddenly feel great about yourself when someone tells you that you look amazing, or when a friend compliments an aspect of your personality. But the compliments will come and the compliments will go, and at the end of the day, your self-worth shouldn’t depend on what other people say about you, whether it’s good or bad. You should be able to accept compliments from others graciously and genuinely believe them, but you should also get used to complimenting yourself.

4. Develop your confidence.

Being confident is the key to feeling comfortable in your own skin, and it’s obviously easier said than done. Confidence comes from within, and developing your confidence means feeling good about who you are, where you are, and what you have to bring to the table. If you can’t stand what you see in the mirror and feel like you have nothing to contribute to a conversation, then you can’t move forward. Work on finding at least a few things that you love about yourself, and with being happy with how you look instead of getting lost in self-consciousness.

5. Think of yourself as a beautiful person.

It’s great if your boyfriend, best friends, and everyone around you thinks you’re beautiful, but that doesn’t matter one bit if you’re convinced that you’re ugly. Even a supermodel can feel completely insecure and inadequate, and what you think on the inside is much more important than how people view you on the outside. Know that the first step to feeling beautiful is really thinking that you are beautiful, just as you are. If other people agree, then great, but in the end, it really makes no difference.

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