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Tina's Advice Page

Ever had trouble dumping someone without being a jerk about it? 01/16/17

January 17 2017 , Written by Tina Vu Published on #Life

1. Think about it first.

Have you ever ask yourself? "Do I really want to end thing or do things need to change?" If you've been with someone for a couple of months, the other person deserves some kind of closure, to be able to move on with their life. From what I've experienced, no closure drives you to insanity because you constantly think about different situations in your head. Whether it's your fault or the person you had a romantic relationship with.

2. Make sure you tell them in person. 

Try to resist the urge to talk about your breakup with someone else before talking to your ex. No one wants to hear about the split from someone else but yourself. That's not the way to go 

3. Pick your time wisely 

When someone decides to end things, it might become a shock to the other person and it takes time for it settle in. So, leave plenty of time to discuss it. If your relationship wasn't that serious in the first place, a heartfelt text is okay just be straightforward and not sugarcoat things.

4. Be honest.

By telling them you don't want a relationship right now when actually, you're just not into them anymore. You're just confusing the situation. Being too brutal will only lead to more heartbreak, but don't give false hope when you know there really isn't any.

Being dumped or the one dumping the other either way it's not the prettiest of things but sometimes it's the right/best choice. 

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